NeuroPure : If you have been taking pain meds, creams, and everything else your doctor has prescribed you… To try to eliminate nerve pain from your body then read this email A 72-year-old retired Navy Captain has eradicated debilitating nerve pain from his life permanently. This after almost having his foot amputated and fighting neuropathy for 4 years. So, I am sure you are wondering how did this Navy veteran pull off such a feat? Well to everyone’s surprise it was NOT with his meds and creams… His miraculous reversal of Neuropathy was due to a rare combination of ancient Greek foods… That come from the remote island of Ikaria. Completely eliminating his pain all within 30 days To date this same miracle combination that is #1 rated for results and customer satisfaction has healed and reversed neuropathy in 88,268 others. With 25% of the U.S. population being affected by neuropathy at a certain point in their life… The number of those being healed continues to skyrocket dail...