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The Best Free Keyword Research Tools 2022

Best Free Keyword Research Tools 2022

I start all SEO projects by choosing relevant keywords.

Keywords help to find the right strategy and implementation.

Ignoring keyword research is the way to nowhere or throwing darts in the dark.

Btw, 36% of all online projects only have a documented content strategy,

So, most projects are chasing high-volume or well-known keywords.

That is why almost 91% of all websites have no organic reach, learn more about it here

I also ignored keyword research on my first website in 2008.

That was an online shop with keywords like “camcorder, smartphone, camera, etc.”

SEO didn’t work for over two years before I learned more about choosing the right keywords.

Then my traffic and sales increased a lot in 2010.

That was a good time before the Ukrainian revolution in 2013 that destroyed my online shop.

I quit this project to get higher results with an SEO agency.

My approaches to finding and grouping keywords evolve because Google constantly changes algorithms.

I always learn how to improve results with the right keywords.

Keyword research tools save time and lead projects in the right direction.

Let me share my list of the best keyword research tools I have used myself for many years.

There are free, freemium, and paid tools.

All of them have advantages and disadvantages.

Free tools also provide some unique features that paid tools can’t.

Watch the entire video and learn the best way of using them.

Here is my list of free tools:

  1. WordStream Keyword Tool
  2. Google Trends
  3. Google Keyword Planner
  4. Google Search Console
  5. Bing Webmasters Tools
  6. Keyword Surfer
  7. Keyworddit
  8. Soovle
  9. Keywordtooldominator
  10. UNmiss Keyword Generator
  11. Alsoasked

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